First off, remove the tongue from the packaging and cover with cold water. Leave for about 1 hour.
Place the tongue in a large pot, cover with water, add the peppercorns, star anise and fennel seeds.
Even though the meat has been pickled, I thought the addition of these spices might make the smell of cooking more pleasant. I wasn’t wrong.
Cook covered for about 4 hours, checking the water levels every now and then OR if you have a pressure cooker 1,5 – 2 hours of cooking should be sufficient.
The tongue is cooked when you are able to pull the meat back with a fork.
Remove the tongue from the pot, and leave to slightly cool.
Now you must pull the rough skin off, and I found that to be pretty easy while the tongue is still warm.
Leave to cool completely before slicing the tongue.
Meanwhile, in a saucepan combine the eggs, water, sugar, mustard powder, salt and vinegar and whisk over medium heat until it starts to foam.
Add a little more heat and cook the sauce, whisking continuously, until creamy and thick.
Arrange a platter with fresh rocket, layer your sliced tongue and serve with delicious sweet mustard sauce and steamed green beans. Garnish with whole grain mustard.